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    Get Maximum Nutritional-Density In Minimum Time...

Amazing Liquid-Fertilizer

fish fertilizer

Makes Garden Produce

Grow Like Crazy!

Each Quart Bottle Makes 24 Gallons!

ProtoGrow Contains Broad-Spectrum Sea Nutrients That Increase The Flavor, Growth, And Size Of All Garden Vegetables

Dear Friend,

Here's good news! There now exists a new bio-active plant "Superfood" so powerful, so effective in its ability to grow ordinary plants into nutritionally dense giants that it has virtually eliminated the need for harsh chemical fertilizers.

News of this amazing natural fertilizer for plants is sweeping across the country. The product is called ProtoGrow™ and it's dynamite in the garden. In fact, thousands of gardeners are now using this new "superfood" year round to make both indoor and outdoor plants go wild. What it also gives you is...

Nature's Original Super-Growth Formula!

ProtoGrow™'s ingredients were developed in Maine by a researcher there. The product contains no harmful chemicals whatsoever. Its ingredients are a unique blend of the micronutrients from a very special kelp extract and the macronutrients from North Atlantic fish. (Fish emulsion is a natural source of a large number of major plant nutrients)

Why North Atlantic kelp? For years it was a widely held belief that Atlantic kelp extract had almost magical properties. When a plant became exposed to this amazing substance, it grew like crazy!

grow like crazy

Research has demonstrated sea-kelp's remarkable ability to enhance plant growth as well as affect taste quality of fruits and vegetables.

Researchers at Clemson who investigated this phenomenon discovered through sophisticated testing, that the extract did indeed cause rapid plant growth. They believe it's because many of the trace minerals in this special kelp have important regulatory functions when applied to land plants.

Actually the way it works is truly extraordinary. Shortly after applying ProtoGrow™ with water, nutritional density begins to increase rapidly which results in darker green leaves and increased sugar content. The plant aging process also begins to slow (senescence) thereby lengthening the production season. Plant vigor begins to increase almost immediately and imparts a greater resistance to disease, insect attack, drought and even frost.

Other growth factors in ProtoGrow™ increase the plants mineral uptake, increase bloom set and dramatically increase the size of both flowers and fruit. Additional ingredients build microorganisms in the soil as well as increase the storage life of fruits and vegetables by actually reversing the loss of proteins, chlorophyll and RNA.

Maximum Plant Growth In Minimum Time!

green fertilizer you spray

The new formula contains four enormously effective ingredients which... when combined together... in such a way... that horticulturists call it "synergistic." This means that... all the ingredients in the new formula are... much more effective at producing high speed plant growth. This is because of the way each ingredient interacts with the other ingredients in the formula. Thus, this unique product produces plants which maximize their genetic potential in a very amazing way.

In fact, ProtoGrow™ is so effective at producing rapid plant growth in record time that it almost forces plants to grow even under the worst light and soil conditions. You can use it on hard-luck plants where you've almost given up hope. You can even grow plants in sand and absolutely astound your friends with this unusual but effective liquid fertilizer for plants.

fish fertilizer

Protogrow can bring dying plants back to life

ProtoGrow™ also increases micro-organisms in the soil. In fact, some researchers have considered it one of the most important developments in horticulture. Why? The answer is easy. ProtoGrow™ is more than just a plant food. ProtoGrow™ is a proprietary blend of organic nutrients that contain the basic building blocks of life itself!

 liquid fertilizer

"ProtoGrow™ is also great for growing "medicine strength" herbs. This makes it a great barter item if things ever get bad. What could be more valuable than the ability to grow high potency herbs and nutritionally dense foods?"

You No Longer Have To Use Harsh Chemical Fertilizers! 

(ProtoGrow™ Replaces Them All)

By now it should be obvious that ProtoGrow™ is no ordinary plant fertilizer. Unlike other garden products, once you apply it there is really very little else to do. You'll marvel at the way ProtoGrow™ makes plants grow like crazy. You need only follow the simple instructions. That's it! ProtoGrow™ simply does not allow the plants in your garden or house to remain normal, period!

Each Quart Bottle Makes 24 Gallons!

Each day you'll notice absolute visible results as plants grow into giants even under the worst light and moisture conditions. Plants that bloom rarely now flower constantly! Sickly plants become vibrantly alive, as flowers become more vivid and vegetables grow vigorously right before your eyes!

Who Should Use ProtoGrow™

ish fertilizer for vegetables

Flower gardeners who want fantastic new growth and brilliant blooms


Vegetable growers who want to sell the sweetest, richest, tenderest produce imaginable


Landscapers who need fast shrub and sod growth


Backyard herbalists who want to grow herbs with therapeutic properties

liquid fertilizer for plants

Wheatgrass junkies who want to drink nutritionalized "High Brix" juice


World Class pumpkin growers who need an edge


Families who want to be prepared for any crisis should can nutrient-dense foods

 grow like crazy

Perfect for home owners who don't want to give up on "hard-luck" plants


Gardeners who want a showplace with a green, lush professional look


Indoor gardeners with hard to grow house plants


Rose growers who want thousands of vibrant, fragrant blooms instead of hundreds from spring to frost.


Stewardship minded plant lovers who want to give back rather than strip the soil.

A Playful Word Of Caution!

Some plants like rose bushes may grow even more rapidly. Young trees can jump in size in a very short amount of time. Because ProtoGrow™ works automatically and is so effective at promoting staggering growth year round, there is a tendency for some gardeners to overdo it. If some plants grow too rapidly, simply skip an application or two.

Extraordinary Guarantee!

Powerful Living is the only company in the United States authorized to sell ProtoGrow™. They have examined the data from research studies as well as gardeners using ProtoGrow™ and are convinced that with ProtoGrow™ you can achieve the garden of your dreams. They don't care if you have tried harsh chemical fertilizers before and were disappointed. They have documented the results of skeptical people who now swear by ProtoGrow™.

grow like crazy

In fact, as proof that they believe ProtoGrow™ is everything they say it is, they offer an extraordinary guarantee, one that they wouldn't dare make if they had even a single doubt! If you place your order now and then follow the simple instructions for a period of 90 days, you must be completely satisfied with the dramatic results or just return the empty container(s) and Powerful Living will refund your entire purchase price. (Less shipping and handling of course) No questions asked!

If you've tried to grow geraniums and hydrangeas before into giants, if you've tried to turn roses into prizewinners and failed, if you've tried to grow vegetables into organic monsters and failed, you no longer have an excuse.

In fact, from this moment on, forget everything you have ever heard about what fresh vegetables must taste like. Forget anything you have believed about growing truly succulent fruits and vegetables. You'll thrill your family with the sweetest, juiciest, tenderest vegetables you've ever picked. ProtoGrow™ is available, it's easy to use and it works like crazy on any plant!

Real People Prove This Works!

Being the skeptic that I am, I had to find out if Protogrow™ would really work for everyone. Upon my request, Powerful Living gladly welcomed me to their office to show me how their files are literally overflowing with letters and cards they've received from dozens of grateful people who used the product. Some of the typical comments I saw are re-printed here:


Jerry's ProtoGrow Review


Jim's ProtoGrow Review

"I started using ProtoGrow about three months ago. I was pretty desperate, my cat had been clawing and chewing on my house plants and they were in terrible shape. Since I started using ProtoGrow my plants look amazing the leaves are shiny, green and full and the cat doesn't seem to bother them as much anymore. Also my wife has started using ProtoGrow in her outdoor garden, she says it has created a bigger and better crop of carnations, daisies and lilies than in any year previously. We believe that ProtoGrow is the most intense fertilizer that we've ever used and because it's a universal fertilizer it's the only one that we need."

Bill Parks

Annapolis, MD

"This is my first experience with ProtoGrow. Therefore, it is still astounding to me.
I read about your product in a magazine, told my husband. He knowing my interest in gardening, decided to purchase it for me. I am well satisfied with the results. My spring tender green are still producing and are remaining tender and tasty way past harvest time. My zucchini, cucumbers and sweet corn tend to double in size. I'm still pinching blooms on tomatoes to increase stalk size to prevent staking. Foliage is larger and darker green which usually means a good yield."

Silvia Roberts

Wellington, AL

"We tried almost every organic fertilizer under the sun and your ProtoGrow works BETTER than anything! We use it to grow the vegetables that we sell at our produce stand during the summer. (I also use it on my flowers) Our customers tell us that our produce tastes superior to anything they have ever grown themselves or bought at a store. We have a little secret... it's your product, ProtoGrow."

Cindy Jacobs 

Peoria, IL

"I would just like to let the ProtoGrow guys know that we live in an area where the soil is pretty poor, in the mountains where it is not very rich soil. We try all kinds of things to get the garden to grow and this year we tried the ProtoGrow. Just wanted tell you that it works fantastic, our garden is at least a month ahead of the neighbors. I've been using it to soak the seeds and also spray on the young plants as they start coming up. We're very impressed with it and I think it will become a permanent part of our gardening program. I'm now using it on all of my wife's flowers as well. Thanks again, I would recommend this product to anyone who wants to grow some good plants. "

James Tippet

McKinnon, WY

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Grow more delicious fruits and vegetables with ProtoGrow

Each Quart Bottle Makes 24 Gallons!

Supply Options

Best of all, ordering is fast and reliable. ProtoGrow™ is also affordable, only $29.97 for a one quart bottle of powerful concentrate which makes 24 gallons! (Normal Retail is $39.97 - Save $10.00!) Better Deal: Readers of this article who have large gardens should order five quarts at a discounted price of just $97.97.

Here's To "Growin' Like Crazy",


Jerry Greenfield

P.S. One more thing. It's important. If you use this product as directed you will also grow the best tasting vegetables you have ever eaten. They guarantee it! For some reason fruits and vegetables grown with ProtoGrow™ seem to "burst" with flavor and intensity. They think it's from the combination of increased mineral uptake and the increased "good sugar" content.

Claim Your ProtoGrow™ Today!

I Want My Fruits And Vegetables To Start "Growing Like Crazy"

Today's Offer: 50% Off!


50% Off! 


(Makes 24 Gallons)

$29.97 $14.97 + $10.00 S/H


50% Off! 


(Makes 120 Gallons)

$97.97 $48.97 + $15.00 S/H


50% Off!  


(Makes 480 Gallons)

$249.97 $124.97 + $60.00 S/H


50% Off!


(Makes 240 Gallons)

$149.97 $74.97 + $30.00 S/H

***Currently ProtoGrow ships in three to four days... sometimes sooner***

Each Quart Bottle Makes 24 Gallons!

Satisfaction Guaranteed
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